Group Project: COVID-19 and PLN

Gif created by Yuanwei Hou

Group members and Contributions:

  1. Yuanwei Hou (V00894410): Part 1-PLN on Communication
  2. Zhuoheng Liu (V00895020): Part 2-PLN on Working
  3. Yuxin Zhuang (V00968719): part 3-PLN on Learning
  4. Zhaohan Tan (V00997315): Part 4-Building, Managing, Engaging PLN & Introduction & Conclusion


 The EDCI 338 course allows our group to have a new understanding of various social media platforms and access to methods to develop our PLN. We have realized that building PLN through different social media platforms is important in our lives under the impact of COVID-19. With the new insights, we mainly discuss PLN on the aspects of learning, working and communication. What’s more, we further illustrate how we build, manage and engage with PLN in the age of COVID-19.

Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

1. COVID-19 and PLN (on Communication)

Yuanwei Hou

Key Characteristics of Social Media Platforms

While social media platforms have been commodified and used as promotional spaces, they also serve as socialization sites. They are digital spaces where people interact for social purposes, share information to enlighten each other, and promote activism (Spracklen, 2015). This characteristic provides a solid digital base for developing PLNs (Ivanova, Grosseck & Holotescu, 2012). For instance, social media platforms acted as a new space for socialization during the pandemic. Since WHO recommended safe social distancing to prevent COVID-19 virus infection, according to Finding Social Support Through Social Media During COVID Lockdowns people’s interaction through social media increased. People discussed pandemic-related experiences, including how they were affected and their coping mechanisms. These trending or current topics can easily flow in PLNs built on social media platforms.

Social media platforms accommodate diversity. Various groups of people defined by cultural education, lifestyle, ideologies, sexual orientation, age, race, and nationality are presented on social media platforms. Moore (2017) defines inclusion as acknowledging, accepting, and celebrating people’s diversity. This characteristic provides a strong foundation for PLNs. Effective PLNs enable students or people to access various opinions that inspire critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.

Description of Social Media Platforms, their Usage, and Value to PLN: Exemplary Comparisons

However, social media platforms differ in their capacity to host PLNs. Facebook provides more room for textual discussions than Instagram and Twitter. Instagram is photo and video-oriented, meaning that textual discussions are limited (ManyChat, 2022). Twitter balances both, but to a lesser degree than Facebook. Based on these differences, Facebook is more strategic for building PLNs than other platforms.

While social media facilitate diversity and inclusion, the representation of some population groups also varies across sites. While many young people prefer TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, the older generation will likely engage each other on Twitter.

Discussions of Key Characteristics of PLN

PLNs have multiple characteristics that can benefit members in various ways. PLNs improve people’s access to information that can be relevant to their fields or specific learning interests (Woods, 2013).  PLNs also promote student agency by allowing them to manage their learning experiences. The above two characteristics differ based on the values they create in students’ learning experiences. The first characteristic enables students to focus on specific areas of interest while the second one enables them to take charge of their learning process. Thirdly, PLNs provide flexible learning environments. Students can modify such environments to suit their needs. The learning process can be adjusted to students’ pace. These characteristic shares elements with the second one in the sense that they provide significant autonomy for students to decide how they want to learn.

Ways the technology tracks and uses data that is beneficial to build an effective PLN

Multiple tools can be used to track data on social media platforms:

  • Instagram’s insight tool can be used to determine how well content performance and audience engagement are. The data information would provide you with strategies and directions for future content customization.
  • Google Analytics can track and report traffic, trending topics, engagements, sessions, retention, entry, and exit. This tool can manage PLNs by generating information about participation rates and the number of people joining and exiting the network.
  • Cookies can be used to track social media users’ activities. PLNs can use cookies to track members’ online activities and improve their experiences with the network.
  • HTTP Referrer can also reveal users’ previous activities, such as the websites and pages they visited. This tool can provide more visibility into the activities and interests of PLN members, leading to personalized experiences.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Privacy, Security, and Acceptable Use Policies for Social Media Platforms

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

As social media platforms continue to increase, privacy and security are becoming more important.


Jain et al. (2021) state that users feel more confident in sites where their data is safe than in other sites. Individuals feel more confident in networking platforms that allow members to outline their personal information, including company details, years of experience, and contact details. (From my blog # 3 content) One of the advantages of social media platforms regarding privacy is that they are regulated. People can now select or limit who can access their personal and private information. They also determine how data collectors apply such information. Twitter and Instagram have stricter policies regarding privacy than Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat (Hacked, 2020). Facebook is more liberal when implementing privacy policies. Secondly, social media platforms have effective mechanisms for protecting people’s accounts, thus providing security for users. Again, Twitter and Instagram have more secure protocols than Facebook, TikTok, and Snapchat. Social media platforms have also implemented policies for acceptable interactions. They have also provided effective mechanisms for validating what people share.


Video: Privacy and Social Media

However, privacy, security, and policy lapse still exist on social media platforms (MAPPING Awareness Campaign, 2018). While social media platforms have implemented measures to improve privacy, security, and proper use, specific trends indicate that lapses still exist. For instance, Facebook leads other social media platforms regarding privacy issues and security breaches (CNBC News 2018). Most people experience account hacking on Facebook more than on other platforms (PCMag, 2022). The lack of adequate security measures promotes identity theft, with spammers developing clone accounts to mislead people. Additionally, the anonymous setting can easily lead to cyberbullying as some users are unverifiable. (From my blog # 3 content)  People can effortlessly spread rumours, fake news, edited videos, and photoshop images to destroy others’ reputations or even blackmail others. According to Cyberbullying: Twenty Crucial Statistics for 2022, Kids are most likely to be the victims of cyberbullying in social media settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. TEDx Talk (2014) highlights that cyberbullying still exists on social media platforms. Some cases of cyberbullying have led to suicide cases. These trends indicate that social media platforms still experience privacy, security, and policy lapses despite previous measures.

How do leaders use social media to build their reputations?

Screenshot from Elon Musk’s Twitter post,

According to Elon Musk’s 19,000 tweets reveal his complicated relationship with Twitter, In the 13 years since he started using Twitter, he has posted 19,000 times. Prior to this year, the average was six times per day. Elon Musk uses his Twitter account ( as PLN to contribute ideas, solicit businesses and help market his companies. This approach has promoted his evolution into a visionary leader.

Although using social media to engage with a public audience enhances visibility and builds relationships, it spreads misinformation and exposes public figures to impersonation and reputational risks. Using a social media platform to engage with a public audience has drawbacks. A public audience disseminates false information and news intentionally fabricated to serve personal interests (Hirst, 2018).  Besides, a media space threatens public figures by spreading information that tarnishes the names of prominent people. A public audience can also impersonate these people by creating fake accounts and sending inappropriate messages on their behalf.

A positive digital reputation is essential for networking. Leaders use social media to build their reputations in multiple ways. Firstly, leaders use social media to build their reputations and maintain public presence by presenting and arguing their values. They also discuss various topics they are passionate about. One of the ways to create it is by posting new content regularly. Here, the aim is to establish oneself as an industry leader with vast amounts of knowledge on the topic of discussion. This builds confidence in the network as they know they can rely on the person for factual information. Secondly, they use social media platforms to engage users in various topics. It is also essential to monitor and discourage negative comments on social media platforms. Therefore, thirdly, they use social media to track whether they are mentioned in the discussions. (From my blog # 8 content)

2. COVID-19 and PLN (on working)

Zhuoheng Liu

Key Characteristics of Social Media Platforms

After the pandemic, social media becomes a more important part of the way people from all walks of life communicate and an essential tool for getting things done. There are four main ways social media works in career development:

  • Discover new ideas and trends
  • Apply for a job
  • Expand the network and influence
  • Build and expand the business


On LinkedIn, users can build and expand their network in a variety of ways. Making connections with people you already know and professionals in a variety of industries can be very useful. Before graduation, PLNs already play an important role in professional development. The connections on LinkedIn provide college students with opportunities to know what’s going on within their future industries.

LinkedIn has search features that give insight into people, companies and job Posting networks. Graduates can use the platform to track specific companies, people and job openings. Both candidates and employers aim to build relationships and focus on how best to use social media and manage their online reputation (from my blog #10 content).


Twitter’s strength lies in its immediacy and conversational nature. Users can follow developments in their field of interest in real-time, share, comment and participate in the global conversation (Woods, 2013). When we tweet or retweet, learn to use hashtags in a professional manner, just as we see hashtags used around products or services daily. Keep hashtags simple, clear, and unique so that tweets go viral. These smart, relevant and timely posts can help users improve their PLN (from my blog #6 content).

Facebook, Instagram and Google

Facebook, Instagram and Google all have powerful advertising tools. Learning to use them and add them to your overall strategy will help you build and expand your business. These platforms can target potential customers and customers based on specific criteria to unlock business potential. To be successful on social media, businesses need to connect with communities where they can interact with content. Create visual patterns for use on different platforms, videos drink text. Just like offline promotion, make products, services and ideas loved and connected by people.

These social media bring about socialization between people and create a social atmosphere of interaction for the team in the company. Within a company, employees can use a common platform to discuss ideas, and business and personal matters. Especially in some large enterprises, colleagues in various departments or regions can also know each other, exchange views, or carry out Team Building through the platform. All of this can increase employee engagement on a social level.

Social platforms bring huge benefits to work, but they also bring even greater risks. Most of us have searched for colleagues on social platforms, which means we need to be very careful when surfing the web. Because everything people do online is closely monitored by employers and colleagues, it can also put employees’ careers at risk.

Technology tracks and uses data

Thanks to the popularity of the Internet and the advent of Web 2.0 technologies, more and more people are using social media at work. In a short period, various social media platforms have accumulated a large amount of unstructured data. Users’ extensive data production is the outcome of the platform’s integration of their background data and everyday actions (Ghani et al., 2019). “Big data” refers to this type of information. Big data from social media is frequently used for trend detection, social media analysis, sentiment analysis, and opinion mining.

TikTok is a popular social media channel. TikTok’s personalization algorithm works well because it categorizes its addictive feeds and videos. There are some simple ranking signals for TikTok content, including:

  • User interaction
  • Video details, such as subtitles and theme tags
  • Includes device and account Settings for country and language

The exciting thing about TikTok is that recommendations aren’t based on how many followers you have or video success. Ultimately, TikTok is a platform that loves great video content, so everyone has a chance to get their content out to users, brands and creators. That makes it a valuable platform for marketers looking to appeal to a younger demographic with slick video content.

Privacy, security and acceptable use policies

The privacy and security policy explains to users what data the platform collects, why it collects it, and how it is used. Social platforms also use acceptable use policies to get users to consent to the use of their personal information, ensuring that users understand how it should be used.

However, when we visit websites, download apps or post on social media, we are also sharing data about ourselves with these companies. Many of the details in an original photo can be read and retrieved by a social media platform when we send it to a friend.  Not just the date and time of the shooting, the tools used, or the precise location where the shots were taken are included in this information (from my blog #3 post).  Social media companies are working to improve privacy and security on their platforms. More serious policies are proposed, and user behaviours are regulated.

How do leaders use social media to build their reputations?

Trump, the first Twitter-based U.S. president, has embraced the Internet as an unprecedented political tool, using social media such as Facebook and Twitter to exert influence. Trump is very active on social media, causing his popularity and public influence to grow rapidly. The popularity, likes, retweets and views of his posts are very impressive.

Donald Trump’s Twitter

Trump’s social media presence might be the most crucial element of his campaign. Trump supporters spent at least $100,000 on Facebook advertisements before the election (The Washington Post, 2017). Facebook has also assisted campaigns in spreading their message, increasing participation, and receiving quick feedback on their effectiveness during presidential elections.

Photo from NPR

How to build a successful PLN on work?

I separate my work account from my personal account to build my personal digital identity and professional digital identity. I try to maintain a professional image with colleagues and clients by setting up appropriate profile pictures and usernames on my work account, keeping up with the latest industry news and posting coherent reviews (from my blog #3 post).

I will also do the following on my personal account:

  1. Don’t post provocative texts, pictures and videos.
  2. Don’t make discriminatory comments.
  3. Don’t divulge company secrets.
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

3. Covid-19 and PLN (on learning)

Yuxin Zhuang

The key benefit of social media platforms is that they allow users to have an environment from which they can interact and learn. These platforms facilitate communication between students and teachers and make learning more accessible. However, one negative of social media platforms is that will require internet access and computer use. Those students who do not have access to either of these will have to rely on other resources that the school provides. Social media in general have also come under some controversies for storing user data without their permission. It’s important that users understand what kind of information they are providing to these platforms.

Technologies track and use data often to make recommendations and predictions about an individual’s behaviour. Big retail companies often use consumer data in order to track an individual’s purchases and make recommended advertisements and relevant suggestions based on them. This can benefit a PLN by showing instructors how long students are spending on assignments on average. Data tracking can provide valuable metrics that can help the teacher plan the curriculum and make changes. Teachers can examine the course grades and the information that students are inputting in order to provide a better learning experience for those who are on the platform

The strengths of the PLN lie in how a community approach allows students and educators to interact together. Students and teachers are able to leave real-time comments and messages for each other. This means that questions can be answered relatively promptly and students can access resources that they may find useful for the course. For example, in my fourth blog post, I highlighted how PLNs can be diverse in their representation of different students. Students from different backgrounds can come together and learn. However, sometimes PLN can also hinder the development of thoughts and ideas as per my fifth blog post. Students may only participate in the discourse that they find interesting, resulting in groupthink. It will be up to the instructor to create content that is engaging and fulfilling for students.

According to Brown and Jane’s study, many senior leaders within schools have used PLN to successfully improve their educational outcomes. PLN has been used to help improve both the knowledge of students and teachers by giving them a platform to interact outside of the regular school setting. The ability to share a number of resources has been cited to be useful in communicating knowledge and policies. In England, PLN tends to be common practice and has helped both students and teachers by enabling them to organize their course content better. This was only possible thanks to the endorsement of the senior leaders within these schools.

They have used social media platforms to build their reputations and presence by formalizing the activities of the PLN. Encouraging the use of the PLN across the campus promotes its usage and adoption rates. All students and teachers who are using PLN are actively participating and sharing their knowledge. I know that our PLN will be a success because we are adopting methods from this study and the lessons that they have taken away. With this evidence of the proven success of the PLN, we can better create a version that works best for our students.

With the impact of COVID-19, people rely more on media technologies to learn. Building, managing and engaging in PLN is becoming more and more important in the field of personal development. The existing media technology is diversified and inclusive. People of different interests can stay together and communicate with others in PLN. A diverse and inclusive PLN attracts a wide range of people from different social backgrounds to participate in projects and share their ideas. People can engage in public communications at any time anywhere. Therefore, how to build, manage and engage the PLN is of crucial importance.

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

4. Building, Managing and Engaging PLN

Zhaohan Tan

In the process of building PLN, users have to understand how to participate, where to find information and how to access PLN. It creates an online interactive place for users to continuously participation. According to Yuanwei in blog 5, PLN allows people to share their views and get inspired by others. The use of social media platforms varies with different factors, like age, gender, and education level, but what is certain is that the existence of social media will be used as a useful tool for public participation. As for me (Zhaohan), creating my own content in PLN, sharing my thoughts and hot topics, and writing blog posts are all necessary to form a network. I regularly focus on how people innovate, then interact with them and ask them questions. Also, I can leave a reply to others’ ideas, provide my own original ideas, and do everything possible to increase the value of PLN.

When it comes to the management of PLN, I think users should be aware of the necessity of separate management of personal PLN and professional PLN. Separate personal and professional accounts can address negative replies and critiques of our personal values and employers’ social media policy. Based on my group mate Shone’s blog 2, employers would consider applicants’ personal lives outside of work in addition to their professional qualifications. To manage a PLN that one can always rely on, all resources must have a clear source. In other words, all resources must be true and effective and allow the audience to follow. Personal accounts can be used to deliver your personal ideas and daily life. As for professional accounts, people should be cautious to review all shared information to ensure that each piece of information has an accurate source and credibility. At the same time, they should avoid publishing unconfirmed information in advance or any fake information.

As for the engagement of PLN, there are advantages and disadvantages of engaging with a public audience in a media space. As for advantages, public audiences have a certain importance in society. They have plenty of followers who regard the public audience are models and deserve to learn. Also, based on their social status, they have more methods to deliver their opinions or important information. According to my groupmate Yusin’s blog 8, it is necessary for influential figures to publish credible and positive information, which would guide their followers to the right path. Positive information, such as protecting human rights, can positively instruct followers to pay attention. However, if the public audience delivers negative information, such as smoking or taking drugs, it would bring bad imitation from younger generations. For example, as government officials, when they interact with the audience in media, they have to deliver suitable and positive arguments and grasp the communication of information. This affects others’ think of the government crews. Based on Hirst (2019), social media deliver information at a fast speed. Any fake or true news would be announced without releasing yet. The government should be aware of social media and give positive replies in time. In this way, the public audience can know the truth and get the correct guidance.

At the same time, there are some social concerns. Users have to take the privacy and security of social media platforms into consideration. Users have to understand the devastating results if their personal information falls into the bad guys. Therefore, we have to avoid releasing too much personal information on social media platforms. At any time, we should keep an eye on hacker attacks, which might result in information theft and forced sharing of followers. As alert users of PLN, we are supposed to take responsibility to protect ourselves and our followers. Those who have great influence in the social space, have to worry about the security of their accounts. What if criminals hack their accounts and spread false statements? The impact would be incalculable.

How to build, manage, and engage PLN

Video created by Zhaohan Tan


Generally speaking, PLN has the advantages of inclusiveness, diversity, fairness, and discussion no matter in the field of learning, working or communicative methods. Also, a successful PLN can also build people’s reputations. Our group has learned how to better protect our privacy and the security of media platforms in the online world. We believe that at the age of COVID-19, PLN would further navigate us in the exploration of learning.


Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network|A348998538&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon

CNBC. (2018). Facebook says hackers were able to access millions of phone numbers and email addresses.

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Ghani, N. A., Hamid, S., Targio Hashem, I. A., & Ahmed, E. (2019). Social media big data analytics: A survey. Computers in Human Behavior, 101, 417–428.

Hacked. (2020). Which Social Media Services Are Best for You? social-media-services-are-best-for-you/

Hirst, M. (2018). Navigating social journalism: A handbook for media literacy and citizen journalism. Routledge.

Ivanova, M., Grosseck, G., & Holotescu, C. (2012). Analysis of personal learning networks in support of teachers’ presence optimization. In PLE Conference, 1-10.

Jain, A.K., Sahoo, S.R. & Kaubiyal, J. (2021). Online social networks security and privacy: comprehensive review and analysis. Complex Intelligence Systems, 7, 2157–2177.

Linda Chong, R. L., Jeremy B. Merrill, & Linda Chong. (2022, September 12). Elon Musk’s 19,000 tweets reveal his complicated relationship with Twitter. The Washington Post.

ManyChat. (2022). Facebook vs. Instagram: Which Channel Is Best For You?’ s%20the%20difference%20between%20Facebook,website%20links%2C%20and%20long %20videos.

MAPPING Awareness Campaign. (2018). Privacy and social media.

Moore, S. (2017). One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion (Vol. 1). Portage & Main Press.

Navigating Social Journalism: A Handbook for Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism by Martin Hirst Chapter 4. The Political Economy of Fake News – pp.78

PCMag. (2022). Who’s Afraid of a Facebook Hack? A Lot of People, Apparently. Team. (2022, November 4). Cyberbullying: Twenty crucial statistics for

Spracklen, K. (2015). Digital leisure, the internet, and popular culture: Communities and identities in a digital age. Springer.

TEDx Talks. (2014). Rethink before you talk.

University of Connecticut. (2022). Finding Social Support through Social Media during COVID  Lockdowns.,same%20from%20the %20first%20wave.

Woods, B. (2013). Building your own PLN. Career Development, 70-74.

Woods, B. (2013, November). Building Your Own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. American Society for Training and Development.

Yuanweihou. (2022, October 3). Blog Post #3-Personal Digital Identity vs Professional Digital Identity. Yuanwei’s Blog-EDCI 338 Social Media & Personalized Learning.

Yuanweihou. (2022, November 14). Blog Post #8-Public PLN. Yuanwei’s Blog-EDCI 338 Social Media & Personalized Learning.

Zhuohengliu. (2022, September 30). Blog Post #3 – Personal Digital Identity vs Professional Digital Identity. SHONE338.

Zhuohengliu. (2022, October 22). Blog Post #6 – Engaging your PLN. SHONE338.

Zhuohengliu. (2022, November 20). Blog Post #10 – Engaging your PLN. SHONE338.

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