Blog Post #4 – PLN & Inclusion

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

How diverse is your PLN?

My own personal learning network is still growing and diversifying. I make every effort to participate in various organizations, clubs, and communities to meet new people and exchange ideas. I regularly add to and update my PLN by imparting my knowledge and obtaining it from peers. The majority of my friends in my network are from various nations, have varied upbringings, and work in various fields. However, they all share the same trait of being intensely passionate and studying hard.

Photo by Erin Kwon on Unsplash

Are you learning from a variety of diverse voices and are you expanding your understanding of the views of others?

I talk and listen to people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, and even mental health issues. Social media was primarily used for communication purposes, as Shelley Moore discussed in the video, but it is now evolving to be more interactive. I always respect the diversity among individuals so that we can communicate, listen, and provide feedback. A good example is the app Clubhouse, which shot to fame during the pandemic. People from all over the world can freely chat with each other using the app. I can host a room, talk about a specific subject, and act as the host. I can also attend as an audience member, choose an interesting subject, and listen to the speakers.

This video introduces the new social network Clubhouse known as social audio or drop-in audio.

Clubhouse explained

What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

The Evolution of Inclusion: The past and future of education

Shelley Moore explains the four evolution processes of inclusion in the video.

  1. Exclusion
  2. Segregation
  3. Integration
  4. Inclusion

Because every learner has a different learning style, I take care to choose multimedia resources that will meet their various needs. I want to produce creative and inspired results, so I use text, images, and videos to demonstrate my knowledge.

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  1. abashir

    Hi Shone,

    Similar to you, I am still growing and diversifying my PLN. I expand my PLN by attending events, forums and communities meetings and that helps me meet new people to exchange ideas and discuss about different topics. You talked about the app clubhouse, what do you like most about that app and do you recommend it? I have not tried it yet so I would like to check it out. I usually use apps like reddit or discord to join communities.

  2. I totally agree with you that social media is changing how we communicate with others. We are easier to be interactive with others, and this would bring diverse voices. We cannot merely enjoy individual voice and reject others opinions. At the same time, I am impressed by your example illustrated from Moore’s video about Clubhouse. This provides people platforms to discuss topics formally or informally.

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